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PNG to WebP Converter
Welcome to our free online tool for converting PNG files to WebP files! With our tool, you can easily and quickly convert your PNG images to the WebP format, which is known for its smaller file sizes and improved web performance.
Our tool is completely free to use, and it runs quickly, making the conversion process a breeze. Plus, with no need to download any software, you can access it from any device with an internet connection.
At our site, we prioritize the security of your images. We understand that images can contain sensitive information, so we ensure that our tool runs entirely on the client side and never on a server. This way, your images remain safe and secure.
Another great feature of our tool is that it can be reused endlessly. There is no limit to how many times you can use it to convert your PNG images to WebP format. Plus, we have set a maximum file size of 50MB, allowing you to convert even larger images with ease.
So, if you're looking to optimize your website's performance with smaller image file sizes, try our free online PNG to WebP converter today!
Files can be accessed either by dragging and dropping or, opening the file dialog then selecting the files you wish to convert.
The WebP format allows you to manually set the output quality, this can drastically reduce the files size however may reduce the image visual quality.
To perform the conversion simply press the convert button, and the files will be saved directly to your downloads folder.
Why convert PNG to WebP
Reduced file size: WebP images typically have smaller file sizes than PNG images. This can help reduce page load times and improve website performance, especially on mobile devices with slower internet connections.
Improved image quality: WebP images use advanced compression techniques that can maintain or even improve image quality while still reducing file size. This means you can often achieve better image quality with WebP images compared to PNG images, while using less bandwidth.
Browser support: While PNG is a widely-supported image format, WebP is increasingly becoming supported by modern web browsers. By converting your images to WebP, you can take advantage of this newer image format and potentially improve compatibility with more devices and browsers.
Overall, if you are looking to optimize your website's performance and improve image loading times, converting your PNG images to WebP could be a good choice. However, it's important to keep in mind that not all browsers support WebP images, so you may need to provide fallback images in other formats for users with unsupported browsers.