My Free Art Generator | AutoRadStudio

Welcome to my online art generation tool. I have developed a range of web apps which can be used in art / image generation. These tools were build using C# and all run-in browser using Web assembly. This means that the output can be built in real time (in most cases). I already have a fair range of useful apps implemented, but I’m constantly working to implement more. If there’s any apps, you would like to see added feel free to get in contact.

Interested? Check It Out...

Example of apps
Example of apps


The builders section of the site is where you’ll find the apps used for making art. Some of our popular examples are the star map generators and cup wrap generators, both tools I decided to build after seeing how expensive these would be on popular e-commerce sites.

Example of builder app
Example of builder apps


The tools section contains fewer major apps which tend to be more focused than the builder section. For example, there are tools for changing an image’s format (e.g., png to jpg), or making an image grayscale.

Example of tools app
Example of tools app

How It Works

Each app has a range of inputs which you can use to determine how the final piece will look. These inputs can range from adjusting colour to changing fonts. Additionally, some apps may ask you to input files directly from your computer, as the apps run entirely within the browser these files are not exposed over the internet.